==== Install and use pass Unix-Philosofy password manager ==== \\ To install the **pass** package # packagemanager-install-command pass # for Debian-based Linux, for example: apt install pass **Create a gpg key** if you don't have one gpg --full-generate-key List your keys **KEYID** in LONG format, to use it on **pass** gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG # output looks something like this: /home/user/.gnupg/pubring.kbx ----------------------------- sec rsa4096/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 2020-01-01 [SC] BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB uid [ultimate] User ssb rsa4096/CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 2020-01-01 [E] # copy the text in your case for the placeholder of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA # which is your secret gpg keyid Once you **copy the keyid**, init the password store using: pass init "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" # !! put your keyid instead of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA \\ === So, how to do stuff? === \\ Insert a secret for mastodon.social (for example) pass insert mastodon.social # or pass insert SocialMedia/mastodon.social # or just pass insert Social/mastodon # or whatever hierarchy you want **Print the secret** using tab completion pass mastodon.social Or just **copy it** on the main **clipboard** for 45 seconds pass -c mastodon.social \\ Enjoy!!